March 22nd, 2010.
Just happens to be my lovely sister's 40th birthday! Grattis Kajan!
Annual christmas day walk around Getingedalen.
Sisterly love.
Annual boogie down at My Other Home in Örebro while it was still around.
Got the good news on the phone yesterday that we should be expecting Getingedalen in Clintondalen this summer. We're just waiting to hear when Gizmo gets his vacation and then it's hopefully ticket booking time!
He's a white throated sparrow and I didn't figure it out by taking shortcuts, he was actually polite enough to introduce himself.
And our book actually came in handy this time, he's quite unique looking and was easy to look up.

If I may say so myself they are quite good photos so click on them to make them bigger cause he's a pretty handsome bird.
I will not be a bird snob though, and one sparrow is just as great as the next so here's the just as cool house sparrow and his lovely lady.
TACK! Har haft nåt skit i kroppen och inte orkat någonting men NU - nu ser jag din hälsning och alla fina (?) bilder. TACK så hjärtligt! Och huset - vilken framfart! Det gamla bageriet - vad ska ni ha där sen? Det ser ut som om ni ska dela av i två rum - vad är planen? Övervåningen har jag bättre koll på; sovrum, badrum och garderob. Det kommer att bli skitsnyggt med det höga taket. Den nya planlösningen börjar ta form! Kram!!!