Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy happy gott nytt år!

So it's almost been 2 1/2 weeks and all I've got to show for it is a computer in the emergency room. She finally gave out and I got some local yokels checking her out right now. So as a result I am wring this on my phone and that is hella frustrating so I will make this short. Things HAVE happened in the house and there will be pictures as soon as my baby is back and running. Demo-Jimmy's knock-it-down-yourself service went bezerk on the wall in the green room for instance and Linda-Lou turned 19 Maple Av into a strip joint by taking on one doorframe at a time.

We also rung in the new year in good Clintondale style since all our guests traveled less than 5 minutes to get to our house. It was a low key and civilized evening with intellectual conversations and sipping of fine wines. Oh wait. That was the original plan... Need I say it failed miserably.

So for now I just want to wish everyone Happy New Year and hopefully I will return in full on Monday (oooh fingers crossed and holding my thumbs as we do in Sweden.)


  1. As far as I remember, the only thing uncivilized that happened was the merciless trouncing Elizabeth gave us all in Balderdash.

  2. That's my baby! She may look innocent, but she has it fist-thick behind her ears (as we say in Germany).

  3. Aha! That is true and true. I'm studying the dictionary in preparation for the rematch.

    Thanks again for bringing goodies to the party!! We had a blast!!

  4. Tjenis!

    Jobbigt med datorn. Hoppas att det orndar sig snabbt, smidigt och billigt. Vi är kvar i Norrland och det har varit jättebra ända tills gizmo blev sjuk. Det är något med magen + att han är supermatt. Så han har varit sängliggande i ett par dagar. Olikt honom. Men vi hann med det viktigaste; 9-rätternsmenyn på nyår och hockeymatchen Modo-Södertälje. Det var riktigt kul. Imorgon är det tänkt att vi ska åka hem. Idag ska vi bowla, vi får se om det blir med eller utan Gizmo. Det är präktigt vinter och det verkar det även vara hemma. Mycket snö och mycket kyla. Precis som det ska i januari! Ert nyår låter ju... lyckat! Kram
