Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bonus Sunday

Didn't think I would make it up this weekend but when I awoke all by myself in the apartment (worked late last night, riding around the city with a phantom. Not as scary as it sounds. It is a camera that shoots veryveryvery fast. See, life moves at 24 frames per seconds according to film, 25 if you live in the PAL part of the world. Now, the Phantom can shoot things at 1000 frames per seconds, so imagine that played back at 24 FPS and you have slooooooooo-mooooooooo) there was really nothing to keep me there. I want to be at my house. And why couldn't I ? 

I got in the car and drove up. A little lazy, a little slow brained I watched James' progress on painting, cleaned up some and decided to cook us something special for dinner. 

Hmmmmm, let's see now.


Once again a winner recipe from the Williams Sonoma soup book. I made a few alterations this time.

Heat oil in a soup pot and once it's warm add 2 chopped yellow onions and 1 packet of bacon. I scissored the bacon in to small pieces.

Add 1 chopped red pepper.
2 minced garlic cloves
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon ground coriander
a pinch (or 2) of Chipotle chili powder

Let it all become an aromatic dream come true.

Then add 8 cups of water and 2 cups of black beans.

I used dried beans but didn't have time to do an overnight soak so I put the beans in a pot and covered them with water + 2 additional inches. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Take the pot off the heat and let it sit for 1 hour. After that rinse the beans and they are ready to use.

My soup simmered for about an hour and then I placed all solid stuff in a blender.

Finally I added chopped fresh cilantro and juice from 1 or 2 limes. 

Serve with home fried corn tortilla strips and fresh cut cilantro.

My veggie thoughts on the matter are very uninspired. The bacon adds such a smoky, tasty flavor that it's hard for me to think of substitutions. More chipotle perhaps?

We ate it with sour cream and crunched up tortilla chips. And these little fritters on the side...


Put 1 1/4 cup of flour and 1 teaspoon salt in a food processor. Slowly add 1 cup of boiling water and mix till it becomes a dough. Take it out and put into plastic wrap for 1/2 hour.

Cut up one bunch of scallions and sauté them in oil.

Roll out the bough into a rectangle on a floured surface. 
Spread the leeks on top. 
Roll it up from the short end.
Cut up about 12 slices and put them between wax paper. Flatten the slices with your palm.

I stuck them in the fridge after this and about 2 hours later I fried them in oil in a pan until golden brown on both sides.

1 comment:

  1. Bröden verkar ju supersmarriga! Är det inget bakpulver eller jäst? Måste prova dem. Och soppan kan man göra med några sojabitar som marinerat i lite liquid smoke. Eller köpa vegetariska baconbitar. Det finns iallafall att köpa här. Bra röksmak. Höstbilderna är jättehärliga! Nu åker du på road trip - det låter jättebra. Som en brev på posten. Både jobb, pengar och ett litet break. Hoppas din fyrdagarshelg, när du är hemma nåsta gång, blir bra. Jag tycker att ni ska göra något speciellt, något på tu man hand, eftersom du ska vara borta så länge efter det. Inte skrapa eller måla. Inte bara det iallafall. Vi har en ovanligt lugn vecka. Ingenting i kalendern förutom det fasta programmet. Inte ens helgen har något program. Det känns jättebra! Jag har flyttat nästan allt nu. Det är bara sånt där jobbigt kvar. Sånt som finns med i varje flytt. Sånt som blir kvar på slutet som man undrar varför man har sparat och som man inte riktigt vet vad man ska göra av. Kanske inte riktigt dags att slänga än... Sånt som man hade glömt bort och inte har tänkt ut någon plats för... Fast butiken är inte heller helt färdig. Fler hyllor ska upp! Och sen ska vi göra färdigt i stora garagedelen! KRAM!!
