Saturday, August 28, 2010

New windows!

Finally weekend again! 

Our windows arrived this morning and the J's wasted no time putting them in.

It's 3 of the rounded ones. 

And inside... You may ask yourself why the bathtub is in the middle of the bedroom.

Bathroom window...

Aaaaand inside...

Speaking of bathrooms... We have left the design conversation behind a little but a visitor sparked it back up the other day. Couldn't come up with a good idea for the light above the mirror but all of a sudden it was obvious.

Namely this one. The picture is interesting because it shows the light on a surface that is very close to the color we are painting the mirror-wall in. Looks snazzy I think.

And this fixture from IKEA (Fado) will go in the ceiling.

This is subway tile and we are putting it in the shower area and around the tub. Also it will be on the vanity top around the sink. 

The floor will be this:

We are of course insulation and sheet rock away from doing any of this but we are gathering all the components.

There is no lack of things to do around here on the weekends. We are scraping and sanding and priming and fixing and eating and watching movies too (last night David Attenborough taught us everything about Bowerbirds!) (Fascinating stuff.) (Seriously.). I made an attic window ready for primer today and James is finishing the caulking around trim and windows. Most of the trim is waiting on PAINT PAINT. Exciting stuff. 

Work dried up for me suddenly, although I've had a good solid 3 week run and I feel alright about spending some time in Clintondale. 

So see ya around the hood!


  1. Beautiful little windows, the icing on the cake!
    Looking good.........hard work is showing. The paint will
    really be satisfying.....all this prep work will then show its colors.

    Visiting with the California girls this week, Love, Rosemary

  2. I hadn't checked your blog in a while (my workload unfortunately hasn't dried up), and it looks awesome!!!

    I can't wait to see it done, but don't feel pressured, it all takes time: Baby steps! ... :-)

  3. Nämen så snyggt... nu drar det ihop sig för grönt! Fasiken vad spännande. Vilket bra grundarbete ni gör. Det kan inte bli annat än bra. Lampan till badrumsspegeln är ju också tipp topp. Men varför står det ett badkar mitt i sovrummet? ;-) Har bajsfläcken torkat? Hur varmt har ni nu? En kollega åker till NYC nästa vecka. Jag firar helgens framgångar med att vara lugn och glad. Måndagen har ägnats åt nya verkstan i form av en resa till vårt Lowes (byggmax) för inköp av material. Sådant som vi måste vara två om. Stoooooooora saker. Och så måste vi laga tre trasiga saker. Gräsklippare, betongtombola och röd bil. Allt har gått sönder samtidigt men det verkar vara ganska små fel. Fast många bäckar små... Imorgon cyklar jag med andra ord. Det råkar vara en bra dag att cykla på så det är ingen ko på isen. Bra väder och inga andra ärenden som måste utföras. Snart laddar jag för en blogg. KRAMAR!

  4. You guys rock! Those windows look great! We're all so excited (if I may speak on behalf of the greater Clintondale area...)
